Do I need specific equipment


Hello and welcome, during this video we are answering the question.. Do I need specific equipment

To carry out most of these stretches you will not need any specialist equipment, however for your comfort and ease the following may help.

The spinal stretches we are going to carry out later on in this course are what we would call baited stretches. This means using a treat or something your dog would like, which might be their favourite toy etc in order to encourage them to carry out the stretch.

Treats can also be useful with some dogs during the other stretches to keep them in place. 

When working with your dog initially, it may be that you want to work with a partner with your dog and they may wish to hold a treat at the front of the dog.

Some of you may also find the following helpful for the comfort of yourself and your dog

If your dog is standing and the floor is slippery, you may want to find a nonslip mat to let your dog stand on or move to a different surface.

For your comfort, this may also involve using a cushion, pillow or kneeling mat for you to kneel on to help to protect your knees or perhaps a chair or sofa for you to sit on, 

It may be that your dog is going to be laying down for the stretches, Therefore, perhaps you both want to be on something comfortable on the floor, perhaps your dog is going to lay on the bed or sofa whilst you are on the floor and you might want something under your knees or perhaps you are going to sit on the sofa or bed with them.

So as we said earlier, you do not require any specific equipment and anything you may wish to use is likely already laying about in your house anyway, this may include dog treats, toys, a mat and a cushion/pillow for your comfort.

So let's continue with the rest of this module so we can have the knowledge we need to get our hands on and stretch our dogs.

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